3.3 - Configure a profile

Published on 24th June, 2023
Hero image for author with name: Luthando A. Vilakazi

Luthando A. Vilakazi


With profiles, MyPetParlor App brings simplicity and efficiency to managing shared configurations between teams. You can configure different types of profiles and have them inherited by different types of teams.



, MyPetParlor App brings simplicity and efficiency to managing shared configurations between teams. You can configure different types of profiles and have them inherited by different types of teams.

Configure a profile

Only members with an "Owner" role can view and configure profiles in their organization. To view or configure a profile, follow the steps below.

  1. Click the team selector dropdown menu at the top left of your navbar.

  2. Browse the list of available profiles in your organization.

  3. Select a profile from the list to view or configure it.

  4. From the left sidebar, under the Configure section, view and configure

    Day Schedules


    Date Schedules







    , and

    Weight Classes

    for the profile.

  5. When you're done,

    inherit the profile

    for a team.

How it works

Note that this short video only demonstrates the configuring of a Date Schedule, you can follow the same process to configure any configuration listed in step 4 above.

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