3.2 - What is a profile?

Published on 24th June, 2023
Hero image for author with name: Luthando A. Vilakazi

Luthando A. Vilakazi


MyPetParlor App organizes bookings in your organization into dedicated spaces called teams. Teams bring order and clarity to work. Profiles bring simplicity and efficiency to managing multiple teams.

MyPetParlor App organizes bookings in your organization into dedicated spaces called


. Teams bring order and clarity to work. Profiles bring simplicity and efficiency to managing multiple teams - you can configure different profiles for different types of teams.

Profile types

In MyPetParlor App, there are 3 types of profiles, only accessible to members with the "Owner" role, that you can configure.

  • The Mobile Profile is used to configure settings to be inherited by the mobile teams.

  • The Parlor Profile is used to configure settings to be inherited by the parlor teams.

  • The Organization Profile is used to configure settings to be inherited by any team.

The Organization Profile

The Organization Profile has special capabilities that the other profiles do not have. In addition to being used by teams for inheritance, it is used to configure settings for the organization.

Profile tips and best practices

  • Configure a profile

    with information that make sense for all the teams that will inherit the profile.

  • Inherit from profiles, as much as possible, to decrease the need to update multiple teams to change the same information.

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