3.5 - Inherit a profile

Published on 24th June, 2023
Hero image for author with name: Luthando A. Vilakazi

Luthando A. Vilakazi


Profiles are the best way to bring simplicity and efficiency to managing teams - all your teams can inherit a profile. When teams inherit a profile, it simplifies configuration changes to one location and enables them to move faster as one.


are the best way to bring simplicity and efficiency to managing


- all your teams can inherit a profile. When teams inherit a profile, it simplifies configuration changes to one location and enables them to move faster as one.


  • Any team can inherit from the Organization Profile.

  • A parlor team cannot inherit the Mobile Profile.

  • A mobile teamscannot inherit the Parlor Profile.

Inherit a profile

Before you continue, make sure that you have

joined the team

you are inheriting a profile for.

Only members with an "Owner" role can update a team's profile inheritance. To inherit a profile, follow the steps below.

  1. Go to Settings > General.

  2. To update your team's inherited profile, scroll to the Team card's "Inherited profile" field and click the Update button.

  3. Select a profile to inherit from the list of available profiles.

  4. Click Update to save the change.

  5. To update your team's inherited configurations, scroll to the Team card's "Inherited configurations" field and click the Update button.

  6. Select 1 or more configurations to inherit from the inherited profile.

  7. Click Update to save the change.

How it works

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