The Transport section allows the parlor owner full control of the pet taxi(s) that are in operation at the parlor, or alternitavely for a mobile parlor team you can specify certain areas for certain dates. The transport is uniquely configurable for all parlor and mobile transport types.
Clicking on "Add a new transport" or click a transport service will bring you to that transport services base configuration page.
This page allows the parlor owner to view the details of the service and to set the service to be enabled or disabled. By setting the service to enabled, the MPP system will make it available as a transport option on your client app when going through the booking process.
Clicking the edit button will bring you to the configuration screen for the service. Each pet taxi configuration includes the description of the pet taxi service, the price for the service, and the days that this pet taxi service is operational. For mobile teams the days could be when a mobile grooming team is in a particular area.