4.4 - Working with Daily Schedules

Published on 7th March, 2023
Hero image for author with name: Brendan Swart

Brendan Swart


Create your daily open times, including grooming time slots and max number of pets to be accepted per slot.

The Schedules section of the MyPetParlorApp enables you to define your daily open times, including the grooming time slots and the maximum number of pets to be accepted per slot.

This feature helps you avoid overbooking your parlor or mobile during peak times of the day. You can configure the maximum number of pets allowed per slot, and the booking system will only allow bookings up to that limit. Each team has its own schedule that can be configured.

The daily schedule for each day of the week can be individually configured from this section.

Clicking on a days schedule will bring you to that days timeslots overview

Clicking on the Edit button in the top right of the window will bring you to the edit single day timeslot screen where the number of timeslots and the duration of each timeslot is individually configured. Here the portal owner can add, edit or delete timeslots according to their requirements.

This allows the portal owner to have flexibility over how the day is divided up and the number of pets that can be groomed during that timeslot.

Clicking on a time-slot will then bring up the window to configure that particular timeslot and set the start and end time for the slot

The maximum number of pets that may be booked for that slot can be configured.

Once you are happy that all the timeslots for the working days have been configured the 'Submit' button can be clicked and the new or updated schedule will now publish to the system and be available on your customer app as available day and timeslot combinations for booking purposes.

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