6.2 - Integrating MyPetParlor App with Xero Accounting

Published on 8th March, 2023
Hero image for author with name: Brendan Swart

Brendan Swart


Integration with Xero accounts for seamless accounting features.

Streamline your parlor accounting with Xero, the easy-to-use accounting software designed for small businesses. Integrate Xero with the MyPetParlour App to automate your accounting workflow. The app seamlessly integrates with Xero to create invoices and payments in your accounting system for customer bookings.

When you use the MyPetParlour App with Xero, you'll benefit from the following seamless integrations:

  • Automatic Customer Account Creation: The MPP system will automatically create an account in Xero whenever a client signs up through the parlors client booking app or manually at the reception desk.

  • Draft Invoice Creation: When a client selects either the 'Pay via EFT' or 'Pay at Parlor' payment option when creating a booking using the client booking app, a detailed line item Draft Invoice will be created on the Xero system.

  • Approved Invoice and Receipt Creation: If the Paystack integration is completed, the option to pay via card can be selected when creating a booking using the client booking app. If the payment is successful, the system will create a detailed line item Approved Invoice and corresponding receipt on the Xero system.

The MPP system has integrations throughout the dashboard as follows:

Booking Dashboard - The booking dashboard has an active link to the corresponding Xero invoice so that the invoice can be easily accessed.

Customers Dashboard - The customers dashboard contains an active link to the clients profile in Xero

Customer Detail Card Screen - The customers card screen contains a link to the clients profile on Xero.

Booking Detail Card Screen - The booking detail card screen has a link to the Xero invoice associated with the booking.

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