More ways to reward your customer - New Discount Voucher Features

Published on 2nd March, 2023
Hero image for author with name: Brendan Swart

Brendan Swart


We have updated our Voucher subsystem to support the new kinds of feature that will allow the parlor owner to have full control over all discount vouchers that can be issued.

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Added support for percentage values.

In addition to a money value, the voucher subsystem now allows for a percentage of the total order.

Added support for usage limit per voucher.

A total number of times a voucher, accross all customers. This is great for marketing campaigns where the campaign driver is 'First 50 customers to order get this discount'

Added support for usage limit per customer per voucher.

We have added this voucher feature to allow the parlor owner to limit usage to one voucher per customer.

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