5.1 - What is a booking?

Published on 20th December, 2023
Hero image for author with name: Luthando A. Vilakazi

Luthando A. Vilakazi


MyPetParlor App manages bookings from within dedicated spaces called teams. Teams bring order and clarity to work - you can create them for any mobile or parlor team.

MyPetParlor App manages bookings from within dedicated spaces called teams. Teams bring order and clarity to work - you can create them for any mobile or parlor team. With the right people and information in one place, teams can manage bookings, make decisions and move work forward.

Intak time vs. time block-based bookings

In MyPetParlor App, bookings can be created based on whether the scheduling type is intake time or time block.

  • Intake time-based bookings support functionality focused on the local parlor experience that has a fixed location. It is for your parlor grooming team that can handle multiple pets within a single intake time because they have multiple groomers under 1 roof.

  • Time block-based bookings are meant for the mobile grooming experience on the go. It is for your mobile grooming teams that need to schedule their bookings based on the time it takes to groom each pet because they have to move from 1 house to the next in a sequence.

Booking tips and best practices

  • Ensure effective communication within your team by providing detailed information about each booking. Include pet details, grooming requirements, and any special instructions to streamline the process.

  • When managing intake time-based bookings for parlor teams, optimize the allocation of groomers to maximize efficiency. Distribute tasks evenly among team members, taking into account their expertise and workload capacity.

  • For time block-based bookings with mobile grooming teams, plan routes strategically to minimize travel time between locations. Prioritize geographic proximity to enhance productivity and ensure a smooth transition from one house to the next.

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